So, today was our last day of developing and testing our system in our hotel. Our goal for today was to do some final small development steps, based on the tests we did with the robot yesterday. Next to the developments, we wanted to do a couple more operator trainings and tests to really have training memorized by heart.
So? What developments did we do todays? The following might be a bit technical, but we figured it would be nice to give some insights in our day to day.
- We fixed a small issue with the gravity compensation we apply to the force sensors in the wrist
- We fixed a bug in our XPRIZE Monitor & Control (XMC) system, which would sometimes prevent us to load a specific face rendering of an operator
- We played around with the stiffnesses of the springs in the Virtuoses (some of the tasks are quite heavy).
- We checked the tire pressure of EVE
- We checked the latency of our visual feedback to prevent motion sickness
- We decreased our maximum pitch forward to help EVE further in lifting heavy (low placed) objects.
- (This might become a bit too technical for the majority of you…) We added some duct tape to our system, otherwise people with long hair would get stuck in a crack.
Below, we have some pictures taken from these developments:

Next to the developments on our system, we also did two more operator training sessions. This time, Jan and Leonor were the victims/winners, and went through the full training. This gave us a lot of feedback to fine-tune our training procedure and gave insight in how to tackle the XPRIZE tasks in the most efficient way. We also bought some more equipment (water bottles, an adjustable table, gear to clean up EVE), so we are fully ready for our week in the convention center.
And more great news: More i-Botics team members arrived! Gwenn, Camille and Frank arrived today at the Inn at 50 (Gwenn and Camille already arrived yesterday by plane).
And lastly, as this is a very exciting day for the team (the last day before the finals week is truly kicked off), we wanted to take this opportunity to publish our new promotional movie! The movie can be found via our YouTube page!
Well! Next day: Off to the ANA Avatar XPRIZE in the Long Beach Convention Center (with the huge U-Haul truck below)! We’ll keep you posted!