
At TNO we disseminate knowledge that arises from scientific research and practical developments. We therefore spread our knowledge inside and outside TNO.
We publish in international and national journals, write books and book chapters and we give presentations at conferences and symposia in the Netherlands and abroad.

On this page you can find an overview of the most important publications regarding wearable robotics research.

Field study on the use and acceptance of an arm support exoskeleton in plastering
A.W. de Vries, S.J. Baltrusch, M.P. de Looze
Type of publication: Scientific publications
Publication date: 27-12-2022
Newspaper article: ‘Robot suits’ make heavy work lighter: ‘This way you prevent people from being physically exhausted by the age of 50’
Sanne Wolter, AD
Type of publication: Press-related
Publication date: 25-06-2021
The effectivity of a passive arm support exoskeleton in reducing muscle activation and perceived exertion during plastering activities, Ergonomics, DOI
A de Vries, F Krause & MP de Looze
Type of publication: Scientific publications
Publication date: 2021
Exoskeletons for physically demanding work, state of the art
Frank Krause, Michiel de Looze, Marjolein Douwes
Type of publication: Press-related
Publication date: November 2020
Podcast: How do exoskeletons augment human performance
Saskia Baltrusch
Publication date: april, 2021
Newspaper article: Exoskeletons, how useful are they?
Michiel de Looze, Frank Krause, Aijse de Vries
Type of publication: Press-related
TNO position paper: Exoskeletons for physically demanding work, state of the art
Frank Krause, Michiel de Looze, Marjolein Douwes
Type of publication: Press-related
Publication date: 09-11-2020
Pod-cast: Development and implementation of exoskeletons
Michiel de Looze
Type of publication: Press-related
Publication date: November, 2020
Panel discussion: How exoskeletons change the way we work.
Saskia Baltrusch
Type of publication: Press-related
Publication date: September, 2020
Interview: The potential impact of exoskeletons.
Michiel de Looze
Type of publication: Press-related
Publication date: August, 2020