
At TNO we disseminate knowledge that arises from scientific research and practical developments. We therefore spread our knowledge inside and outside TNO.
We publish in international and national journals, write books and book chapters and we give presentations at conferences and symposia in the Netherlands and abroad.

On this page you can find an overview of the most important publications regarding wearable robotics research.

Presentation: Exoskeletons as a solution for physically demanding work?
Frank Krause
Type of publication: Press-related
Publication date: December, 2020
Presentation: Exoskeletons and what we should know before implementation.
Michiel de Looze
Type of publication: Press-related
Publication date: June, 2020
Selecting the appropriate input variables in a regression approach to estimate actively generated muscle moments around L5/S1 for exoskeleton control. J. Biomechanics.
A Tabasi, I Kingma, MP de Looze, AS Koopman, W van Dijk, JH van Dieën
Type of publication: Scientific publications
Publication date: 2020
Effects of a passive back exoskeleton on the mechanical loading of the low-back during symmetric lifting, J Biomechanics 102, 109486.
AS Koopman, I Kingma, MP de Looze, JH van Dieën
Type of publication: Scientific publications
Publication date: 2020
Passive Trunk Exoskeleton Acceptability and Effects on Self-efficacy in Employees with Low Back Pain: A Mixed Method Approach. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation
S J Baltrusch, H Houdijk, J H van Dieën, J Th C M, de Kruif
Type of publication: Scientific publications
Publication date: 2020
Perspectives of potential end-users on the use of trunk exoskeletons for people with low-back pain: a focus group study, Human Factors, 62(3), p. 365-376.
S J Baltrusch, H Houdijk, J H van Dieën, C A M van Bennekom, J Th C M, de Kruif
Type of publication: Scientific publications
Publication date: 2020
Testing an Exoskeleton That Helps Workers With Low-Back Pain: Less Discomfort With the Passive SPEXOR Trunk Device, IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, 27(1). p. 66-76.
S J Baltrusch, J H van Dieën, C A M van Bennekom, H Houdijk
Type of publication: Scientific publications
Publication date: 2020
SPEXOR passive spinal exoskeleton decreases aerobic load during symmetric repetitive lifting, European Journal of Applied Physiology, 120(2), p. 401-412
S J Baltrusch, J H van Dieën, A S Koopman, M B Näf, C Rodriguez-Guerrero, J Babic, H Houdijk
Type of publication: Scientific publications
Publication date: 2020
Newspaper article: Exoskeleton helps to ease heavy physical work
Michiel de Looze
Type of publication: Press-related
Publication date: 01-01-2020
Video-demo: Sensing, control and human body impact of industrial exoskeletons
Aijse de Vries
Type of publication: Press-related
Publication date: September, 2019